Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Will The World Starve Essays - Population, Environmental Issues

Will the World Starve? Looking out a window upon a barren desert, a dry wasteland unfolds as a carpet to nowhere. Abandoned cities dot the horizon, as the ruins speak volumes to the once populated extravagance of a country which lived on wealth and opportunity. The vision just described is not one out of a Hollywood movie script, but one that is not only possible but probable. Currently, the world population numbers over six billion, with China alone cradling over one-sixth of the world's total population. With the world population increasing at a rate of one hundred million a year, the numbers are expected to hit ten billion by the end of 2040. Most scientists agree that the maximum number of people that the earth can sustain is fifteen billion, leaving the earth in a quandary before the end of the twenty-first century when the total world population is expected to reach a staggering sixteen to eighteen billion. The consumption of the world's natural resources due to this exponential growth could result in worldwide famine, a complete breakdown in the world market, uncontrollable outbreaks of disease, and widespread crime and disorder. Currently, the ratio of land which can be used for agricultural endeavors is estimated to be one in nine acres. The world's produce producer is only a small sliver of a total land mass apple pie sliced into nine equal, yet tiny slices and as the amount of soil suitable for agriculture dwindles, the slice with which the world relies on continues to shrink. Considering the little amount of available farmland, it should be expected that there would be more of an effort to conserve this vital resource, but unfortunately the issue has not yet risen to a level of global importance. The amount of fertile topsoil is becoming more and more unusable for agriculture. Water, used for the irrigation of the world's life giving crops, contains naturally dissolved minerals and over time the minerals from the irrigated water supply collect in the topsoil. After many years of constantly farming a particular region, the soil begins to become less and less fertile. This process, known as salinization, has affected many of the farms around the world. Once this process is complete, the soil becomes totally useless for any kind of farming. Over long periods of time, salinization, combined with the erosion of the topsoil due to wind and rain, starts to cause the world's farmlands to exponentially dissipate. Ethiopia is a prime example of how salinization, combined with overgrazing and erosion, has affected every aspect of the economy. Food shortages, lack of domestic trade products, and low incomes for farmers and agricultural workers are all bi-products of a land ravaged by overuse and abuse. With the people scrambling to find a quick fix solution to this problem that has been building for decades, the economy along with the people's only domestic food source, is slipping further and further into a seemingly unrecoverable disaster. The earth's industry is expected to produce enough manufactured materials to support the world's current six billion people. The list of finished products includes food (from agriculture), clothes and all other luxuries which most of the world has become accustomed. If most scientists are correct, the maximum capacity of which the world can sustain is estimated to be fifteen billion people. Maximum capacity is described as the amount of people that can be sustained without causing a complete breakdown in society. Numerous scientists have speculated that many of the world's natural resources used to support current life such as clean water and air, gasoline, oil, and even coal will almost be completely depleted up by the end of the century. With decimated natural resources, a lack of topsoil, and a completely over-populated planet, anthropologists have agreed that the end of the century, if not before, will culminate in a complete breakdown of industry in the world market. With this extinction of resources looming, it is obvious that new methods of energy and topsoil conservation need to be discovered. Speculation has been made that it is too late to turn back the dependence which humans have developed for natural resources. How can anyone be expected to turn away from their gas-powered cars and their electric houses? If, however, the current rate of consumption continues, then there is no doubt what the future will hold. Since 1950 half of the world's trees have been cut down and every day six square acres of rain forest are lost to the hum of a

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Financial Disclosure

Abstract This paper evaluates Briggs and Stratton’s accounting polices and examines how the company’s accounting policies affect the firm’s key success factors. It also assesses Briggs and Stratton’s quality of disclosure and addresses potential red flags and unsustainable income and expenses. A company has a variety of accounting options it can use when reporting earnings to the public. These options affect how a company accounts for virtual ever item on its financial statements. Differences in estimates and accounting policies can significantly affect how a company recognizes revenue, expenses, and inventory levels. Few firms actually engage in outright fraudulent accounting actives. However, most organizations select accounting policies, which enhance the company’s perceived financial health. Many investors rely solely on a company’s earnings and growth rates. In addition, many contracts including executive compensation and financing agreements are tied to the company’s reported earnings and debt ratios. As a result, many firms have learned to use loopholes in the accounting standards to massage their earnings numbers. As an investor or an analyst evaluating a firm’s financial performance, one must recognize that companies use diff erent accounting policies, which can significantly affect the companies’ finical statements. An investor or analyst must adjust for those differences and be aware of accounting discrepancies. As a manufacturing company, one of Briggs and Stratton’s key success factors is its inventory management. Many of its accounting policies affect how inventory appears on the balance sheet and in turn how cost of goods sold appears on the income statement. Even some of the seemingly minor accounting policies greatly affect accounts on the financial statements. For instance, Briggs and Stratton utilize a fiscal year that runs from July to June (Briggs and Stratton, 2002)... Free Essays on Financial Disclosure Free Essays on Financial Disclosure Abstract This paper evaluates Briggs and Stratton’s accounting polices and examines how the company’s accounting policies affect the firm’s key success factors. It also assesses Briggs and Stratton’s quality of disclosure and addresses potential red flags and unsustainable income and expenses. A company has a variety of accounting options it can use when reporting earnings to the public. These options affect how a company accounts for virtual ever item on its financial statements. Differences in estimates and accounting policies can significantly affect how a company recognizes revenue, expenses, and inventory levels. Few firms actually engage in outright fraudulent accounting actives. However, most organizations select accounting policies, which enhance the company’s perceived financial health. Many investors rely solely on a company’s earnings and growth rates. In addition, many contracts including executive compensation and financing agreements are tied to the company’s reported earnings and debt ratios. As a result, many firms have learned to use loopholes in the accounting standards to massage their earnings numbers. As an investor or an analyst evaluating a firm’s financial performance, one must recognize that companies use diff erent accounting policies, which can significantly affect the companies’ finical statements. An investor or analyst must adjust for those differences and be aware of accounting discrepancies. As a manufacturing company, one of Briggs and Stratton’s key success factors is its inventory management. Many of its accounting policies affect how inventory appears on the balance sheet and in turn how cost of goods sold appears on the income statement. Even some of the seemingly minor accounting policies greatly affect accounts on the financial statements. For instance, Briggs and Stratton utilize a fiscal year that runs from July to June (Briggs and Stratton, 2002)...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Research Paper Example For many, that realization is quite difficult to accept and admit. In the case of driving motor vehicles this can sometimes create an issue. Not everyone ages the same rate and not every aging driver is a potential menace on the road, because of age; however, at the same time, the number of car accidents involving elderly drivers, that had nothing to do with alcohol, drugs, or speeding, is sky-rocketing and the only variable is that they were in fact elderly. (Davis, and DeBarros 1) This alludes to the fact that there does become a point when aging drivers are no longer capable of operating a motor vehicle with the same optimum efficiency that they once did. That deficit is not going to improve with age. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to require drivers over a certain age, ideally 70, to commit to yearly driver’s tests to maintain their licenses. Background Age does not necessarily equal poor driving skills. Human beings age differently, some individuals driving compete nce may be impaired before the age of 70, while others may be well capable of driving well into their 80s. Also, not every instance of accidents is due to an aging driver’s mental illness. Many of the accidents related to the elderly have to do with much more common concerns, like deteriorating vision and decreased response times to physical limitations. That said, not every grey-haired driver that you pass on the road is an accident waiting to happen. Statistically elderly drivers drive less often and shorter distances than younger drivers, and yet can have accident ratio that makes them even more of a threat than teenage drivers. In fact, the federal statistics show that drivers 85 and older are involved in traffic accidents that result in fatalities an average of three per day.(Davis, and DeBarros 1) Recently instances of elderly drivers involved in accidents has been highlighted in the news and it sparks some serious social and public issues. A feasible and ethical soluti on must be reached as the number of driving Americans 65 and older will increase to an estimated 69 million by the year 2030.(Copeland 1) The suggestion to require yearly testing of drivers over a certain age has been met with support and criticism. While many see the need for such measures, others are less impressed with the idea and equate it to a form of age discrimination. Finding the best possible solution is becoming quite necessary and important. Discussion As we stated, because all individuals do not age in the same way at the same rate an arbitrary regulation that applies to every driver that would require an automatic license suspension at a certain age would be genuinely unethical. Sometimes accidents happen. Just because one of the driver’s is elderly, the blame cannot not be placed on him, simply, because of his age. Elderly drivers are seldom speeding, drive at night, or take the risks in driving in bad weather.(" Associated Press" 1) They, also, aga in are unlikely to be involved in accidents caused by their taking of illegal drugs or alcohol. That said, it is the impairments that come with age that the senior may not be aware of that could be making them a risk and they are, often, not aware of it. The aging population faces many natural psychological issues as they grow older. As they potentially lose their mobility, they may face internal health issues and are less able to do things as easily on their own as they once did. With that,